Entrada - Theme Documentation

Thank you so much for purchasing Entrada wordpress theme. Click "View Online" for up-to-date document. Also, we regularly add new Articles on Entrada Theme which might help answer questions not available in the documentation.

We do not provide any type of customization services, however you can use services like WP Kraken or other freelancing platforms for Customization Services.

Upgrade - Must Read: If you are upgrading theme from previous versions, please backup your WordPress install and databse. Ensure that you have all of your customizations in your entrada-child theme AND export your customizer and widgets for backup. If you dont follow these steps, you may lose all your customizations and its irreversible!

Install Theme

Wordpress and Server Requirements

To get the best out of Entrada, please make sure you are running WordPress 4.5 or greater, PHP 7.0 or greater, and MySQL 5.6 or greater. For more information, please view Wordpress Requirements.

To install this theme, you are also expected to have a working Wordpress installation on your server. If you don't already have a Wordpress installed and running on your server, here are some useful links that will guide you with Wordpress installation.

Install Entrada Wordpress Theme

Here is an step by step guide to set up Entrada theme in your wordpress setup. It is recommended that you start with a clean install of wordpress if you wish to set it up exactly like the demo preview you saw in themeforest. Setting up a demo install first is also recommneded because this will show you how each of the block is created and how they function in front and backend.

Important: First of all, extract the zip folder "entrada-package" you downloaded from themeforest after purchase. Inside it, you will find folders named entrada.zip (theme folder), entrada-child.zip (entrada child theme), entrada-child-modern.zip (entrada child modern variation), demo-content (demo content to import), documentation (how to set up theme and demos), extensions (premium plugins included with theme), slider (demo revolutions sliders for import) and license. Please make a note that the folder named entrada.zip is the theme folder that you upload inside your wordpress or FTP it to your wp-content/themes folder.

Hopefully thats cleared up - so lets begin the "theme" installation process.

  1. Login to your wordpress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Themes
  3. Click on Add New and then click Upload
  4. Select entrada.zip from inside your download folder.
  5. Click the upload button and wait for message.
  6. Now, do not click on "Activate", Istead, again click on Add New and then click Upload
  7. To import Default Demo Select entrada-child.zip from inside your download folder.
  8. To import Modern Demo Select entrada-child-modern.zip from inside your download folder.
  9. Click on Activate button this time and Entrada theme is Installed and Entrada Child theme is activated!.
  10. On top - you will get notification - click on "Begin Installing Plugins".
  11. You get list of plugins, required and recommended. **Select all and Install.
  12. Click on "Return to required plugin installer" link.
  13. Select All Plugins by checking the Plugin box on top and Activate. During activation, the screen may appear blank for upto 4 or 5 minutes, please be patient, do not navigate away and wait until you get the success message.
It is recommended that you activate all the recommended plugins before importing dummy data. However, if you prefer to select certain plugins only, you must atleast install and activate Woocommerce, Entrada Post Type and Entrada WC Taxonomy before importing the demo data for the process to work.

The Plugins Details

  • Contact form 7 (Version 5.8.4 or greater) - Recommended - *Note, contact page form will not work without this.
  • One Click Demo (Version 3.2.0 or greater) - Recommended for one click import of demo. One click import will not work without this plugin.
  • Slider Revolution (Version 6.6.19 or greater) - Recommended *Certain home pages will not work without this plugin. Also, custom search forms on top of sliders will need modifications without this plugin.
  • WPBakery Visual Composer (Version 7.3 or greater) - Required, the pages and posts will not work without this.
  • Woocommerce (Version 8.4.0 or greater) - Required, products, categories, ecommerce etc. will not work without this.
  • Widget Importer & Exporter (Version 1.6.1 or greater) - Required for One Click Demo Import. Not needed if you are importing demo contant via wordpress importer.
  • Regen. Thumbnails (Version 3.1.6 or greater) - Recommended for resizing images automatically to design specifications. You can delete this once you have imported content and run this plugin after demo import.

You can always deactive or even delete the plugins like One Click Demo Import, Regen. Thumbnails, Customizer Export/Import after you have successfully imported the demo site. But initially, during the demo set up to have it look aand work exactly as in our demo setup - it is best to install and activate all plugins required nd recommended.

It is strongly recommended that you activate Entrada Child Theme before importing the demo content. This will save a lot of headache for you and us in future should you wish to update your theme to latest version we will be releasing as regular updates in future. This will ensure that your custom modifications and customizer settings etc. are not lost when you update the main theme. To do this, you simply need to go to Appearance → Themes → Add New → Upload Theme and chose "entrada-child.zip" folder from your download package. After this is installed, you will get a successful message and then you need to "Activate" the just uploaded Entrada Child theme.

Import Demo Content

The one click demo import will only work if you installed this plugin in previous step. Please note that, this process will take between 10 to 20 minutes as there are hundreds of placeholder images to be downloaded and number of pages to be integrated and synced with your wordpress. Also, after the one click demo import has done its job, it will notify you with a success message, you should not navigate away from this page or close this page until you have received this message. Once completed, its safe to deactivate and delete this plugin from your plugins folder or by going to Plugins / Installed Plugins page.

Pre-Requisite for Demo Import: Woocommerce

  1. Ensure that you have installed and activated woocommerce plugin.
  2. If NOT, a notification will appear saying "The Entrada WC Taxonomy plugin requires WooCommerce installed and activated."
  3. Click on Woocommerce - Run the Setup Wizard button.
  4. Complete the woocommerce set up process. Remember to set price decimals to "0" and to chose payment options.
  5. Additionally, check the box for "Redirect to cart page after successful addition.
  6. Navigate to Appearance → Customize → WooCommerce→ Redirect to the Product Catalog or Product Images as shown in the screenshot below.
  7. Now, click on either Product Catalog or Product Images to edit or update any of those in WooCommerce.


Import Demo Content

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Import Demo Data - click on Import Demo Data button. This process can take some time so please be patient.
  2. After the demo content has been imported successfully - you will get a confirmation message as shown below.
Furthermore, after importing demo, you will need to go through few more steps, each of which are explained in detail with screenshots below, so make sure you follow them strictly as mentioned to avoid any errors in setting up your site exactly as in our demo.

Watch this Video on Entrada Demo Content Import

Things to do after Demo Import

Taxonomy Data → Navigate to Addons → Import/Export Taxonomy and under "Import Taxonomy Data", click on "chose file" and then select demo-content → taxonomy-data.xml from within your downloaded packages → Click on Import Taxonomy Data.


Gallery Data → Navigate to Addons → Import/Export Gallery and under "Import Gallery", click on "chose file" and then select demo-content → gallery-data.xml from within your downloaded packages → Click on Import Gallery button.

Home Page Display → Go to Settings → Reading → Front page displays : A static page and scroll down to "Home - Default" to select it then click save at bottom of page.

Permalinks Settings → Setting your permalinks to post name will ensure a SEO friendly URL's for your site. You can do this by going to settings > permalinks and selecting Post name under common settings.


Revolution Slider → If you have installed and activated Revolution slider from steps above, you will notice a red box showing message "Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias homepage-slider not found." Now to import this slider as in demo, go to Slider Revolution → Import Slider → locate slider-1.zip file in your downloads folder and ensure the settings are as shown in screenshot and then click the Import Slider button. Then go to Pages → All Pages and search for Home - Default, and click on Revolution Slider "edit icon" within visual composer which will bring a pop up, and under the revolution slider drop down, ensure you have the slider selected that you just imported. Repeat the same step for all 5 sliders if you wish and remember to assign different slider to different home page variations.


Watch this HD video on Slider Revolution Import

Assign Menus → Go to Appearance → Menus, and under Select menu to edit, chose "Navigation" from drop down and select. Then scroll down to bottom of page and check the Primary Menu (Currently set to: 8BIT) box. Then click on Save Menu button on bottom right corner.

Assign Widgets → Go to Appearance → Widgets → under Footer, click on each individual drop downs and then select corresponding element from within dropdown and save each widget.

Assign Destinations → Go to Products → Destinations and click edit under individual country. In the next window, the third option is Parent. So select parent, eg. Europe if you are editing France. Do this for all destinations.

Regenerate Thumbnails → First, ensure that you have set image dimensions for Catalog Images under woocommerce settings as shown here. Then go to Tools → Regen. Thumbnails, and click on "Regenerate All Thumbnail". This process can take a while since this will be cropping all images to fit according to design.

Visual Composer → Please go to WPBakery Page Builder >> Entrada Integration and ensure that "Remove Native Elements" box is unchecked and only "Entrada Integration" checkbox is ticked. And even if its already unchecked, please "Save Changes" again.

Done → Congratulations. You now have successfully imported all the required demo content similar to whats shown in our preview site on Themeforest. If you are having any problems, feel free to get in touch with us for help.



You can change many of the settings from Appearance → Customize. You can change the colours, font sizes, fonts, text, change logo images, set background image/pattern/colour and many more. Customizer is preferred method of customizing wordpress theme and is very user friendly. You can also view the changes live while editing options in customizer. We hve detailed the important Customization options below along with what they do and how to do it. If for any reason - you don't see what you expect or are having any problem, please create a support ticket.

Menu/Mega Menu

Creating New Menu

  1. Click Appearance → Menus.
  2. Click “create a new menu”.
  3. Type the menu name.
  4. Click create menu.
Note: To make any menu a primary menu, check the Primary Menu box, and click "Save Menu". Remember this checkbox is available only after you've created the menu.

Creating Menu Items

  1. Either select the menu to be edited and click select or create a new menu ( explained above).
  2. There are many options on left to add new menu items: pages, posts, categories etc: check the required item to be selected as menu item/s, then click “Add to Menu” button.
  3. Custom Links: type the full URL (e.g. http://mysite.com/top-tour) and link text (e.g. Top Tour), then click “Add to Menu” button. "#" can be entered as a link value if this menu item is a header.
  4. Arrange the menu items by dragging (up/down) and dropping them to required levels.
  5. Click “Save Menu”.

Note: To show unavailable options e.g. destinations, then Go to the top of the page, click “Screen Options” at the right corner of the page, and check the desired option.

Changing Menu Item Names

  1. Click the down arrow at the right side of the menu item which needs to be renamed.
  2. Under “Navigation Label” label, in the text-field change the name to the desired name.
  3. Click “Save Menu”.

Creating Mega Menu (With Images)

  1. Add a menu item. E.g. the menu item name is “Activity”. It is a custom field with link "#".
  2. Click the down arrow at the end of the menu.
  3. The dropdown menu opens up. Under the “CSS Classes (optional) ” field, type “has-mega-dropdown” space “menu-grid”. If this field is not available, refer to Note: To show unavailable options.
  4. Add sub menu.
  5. Click the down arrow at the end of the sub menu.
  6. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “menu-grid-item”. Add this class to all the sub menus inside the menu. (As shown in figure below)
  7. Click “Save Menu”.

Creating Mega Menu (Without Images)

  1. Add a menu item. E.g. the menu item name is Pages.
  2. Click the down arrow at the end of the menu.
  3. The dropdown menu opens up. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “has-mega-dropdown”.If this field is not available, refer to Note: To show unavailable options.
  4. Add sub menu.
  5. Click the down arrow at the end of the sub menu.
  6. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “heading”. Add this class to all the sub menus inside the menu. (As shown in figure below)
  7. Add sub sub menus
  8. Click “Save Menu”.

Creating Mega Menu (Destinations like menu)

  1. Add a menu item. E.g. the menu item name is Destinations.
  2. Click the down arrow at the end of the menu.
  3. The dropdown menu opens up. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “dropdown” space “has-mega-dropdown” space “mega-md” space “mega-center”. If this field is not available, refer to Note: To show unavailable options.
  4. Add sub menu.
  5. Click the down arrow at the end of the sub menu.
  6. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “tab-heading”. Under the “Menu Icon Class (optional)” field, type the icon class name e.g. “icon-asia” for Asia. This Icon class shows the icon next to the continent. Add this class and icon class name to all the sub menus inside the menu.
  7. Add sub sub menus
  8. Under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “tab-menu-item”. Add this class to all the sub menus inside the menu.
  9. For the last sub sub menu, under the “CSS Classes (optional)” field, type “last-item” after the “tab-menu-item”. (As shown in figure)
  10. Click “Save Menu”.

Header Customization

Top Header

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Header.
  3. Tick the “Show Top Navbar”.
  4. Set the “Top bar Link Colour” or leave to default.
  5. Set the “Top bar Hover Link Colour” or leave to default.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Header Navigation Bar - Centered/Default

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Header.
  3. Under Navbar Style, select “Centered Navbar” to centralize the navigation bar or leave to default.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Header - Dark/White/Transparent

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Header.
  3. Under Navbar Property, select any option of your choice.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Logo / Favicon

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Logo.
  3. Select the required option. These options are:
    1. Image: Selecting an Image option allows you to:
      1. Add logo (image) for dark background.
      2. Add logo (image) for white background.
      3. Add logo (image) width. Enter the number only without ‘px’. (Optional)
      4. Add padding. Enter the number only without ‘px’. (Optional)
    2. Text: Selecting text option allows you to:
      1. Enter the text as logo.
      2. Select the font.
      3. Select font variation. (Value changes according to font)
      4. Select font colour.
      5. Add font size. Enter only number without ‘px’. (Optional)
      6. Select font style either italic or normal.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Page Layouts

  1. Go to Pages → Add new.
  2. Enter the Page Title.
  3. Add the content. Contents can be added via wordpress default textarea, or VC.
  4. There are two types of header banner.
    1. Background Image: Setting the radio button to Background Image allows you to enter the heading, sub-heading and banner image.
    2. Background Colour: Setting the radio button to Background Colour will automatically assign the page header and breadcumbs and instead of banner image, it will use grey background color.
  5. Under the “Page Attributes” section, select the page layout under “Templates”. There are two types of page layouts:
    1. Entrada Layout. These are entrada page layout templates:
      • Layout - Full Width
      • Layout - Full Width Wide
      • Layout - Sidebar Both
      • Layout - Sidebar Left
      • Layout - Sidebar Right
    2. VC Layout. These are VC layout templates:
      • Layout - VC Default Template
      • Layout - VC Template (sidebar left)
      • Layout - VC Template (sidebar right)
  6. Click “Publish”.
Please note that for colored backgrounds, you need to select the Default Template under Page Attributes > Template.

Page Creation

  1. Go to Pages → Add new.
  2. Enter the Page Title.
  1. There are two ways to add a content.
    1. Default wordpress textarea: You can add the content from the deafult wordpress textarea.
    2. Visual Composer. Follow the steps explained below.
      1. Click “Backend Editor” (as shown in the figure below). On clicking “Backend Editor”, the text area below it changes to Visual Composer editor.

        You can enter the content by any of the following 3 ways:

        1. Add Element:
          1. Click the “Add Element” button (Blue colour).
          2. Select either “entrada heading” to display the content as in homepage or “custom heading”.
          3. Enter the fields, like title, content.
          4. Click “Save Changes”.
        2. Add Text Block:
          1. Click the “Add Text Block” button (Green colour).
          2. A text block having default text is added. Hover over the text and click the edit button (pencil).
          3. Edit the content.
          4. Click “Save Changes”.
        3. Add Template:
          1. Click the “Add Template” button (Yellow colour).
          2. Click the title of the required template or click the '+' sign at the end of the required template.
  2. Select the header banner option. There are two types of header banner.

    1. Image: Setting the radio button to Background Image allows you to enter the heading, sub-heading and banner image.
    2. Colour: Setting the radio button to Background Colour will not show any banner.
  3. Under the “Page Attributes” section, select the page templates under “Templates”.

    1. Contact
    2. Homepage
    3. Login/Register
    4. Search Template
  4. Click “Publish”.

Page banners

When creating a page, you have option to set page banner as a simple grey colored background or image background with parallax feature. To select one or the other just, scroll down to "Banner Section" and select from one of the two options. Selecting image, will give you extra options to add image along with heading and sub heading as shown in image below. For simple grey coloured background, just select this option and the page heading along with breadcrumbs will be added automatically for you.


Product Layout

  1. Go to Pages → Add new.
  2. Enter the Page Title.
  3. Leave the content textarea empty. Any changes here will not be seen in the frontend.
  4. There are two types of header banner.

    1. Image: Setting the radio button to Background Image allows you to enter the heading, sub-heading and banner image.
    2. Colour: Setting the radio button to Background Colour will not show any banner.
  5. Under the “Page Attributes” section, select the page layout under “Templates”. There are seven templates:

    1. Listing Full Width
    2. Listing Full Width
    3. (Four Column Grid)
    4. Listing Full Width (Three Column Grid)
    5. Listing Full Width (Two Column Grid)
    6. Listing Sidebar (Left)
    7. Listing Sidebar (Right)
    8. Listing With Detail
  6. Click “Publish”.

Layout Setting

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Layout → Site Layout.
  3. Select the layout:

    1. Wide: The full width of the page is used to show the content.
    2. Boxed: The content is centred within certain width while the rest shows the background image, colour or pattern.
      1. Colour: select colour to set the background colour.
      2. Image: select the image to set the background image.
      3. Pattern: select the image to set the background pattern.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Footer Layout

Footer Background

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Footer → Footer Background.
  3. Select the background options:

    1. Colour: select colour to set the background colour.
    2. Image: select the image to set the background image.
    3. Pattern: select the image to set the background pattern.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Bottom Footer Information

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Footer → Bottom Footer Information.
  3. Tick the “Bottom Footer Show” option to show the copyright text and payment method icons.
  4. Enter the copyright text.
  5. Select the payment method images. Click the “Add more image” button to add more images.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.


Sidebar (This sidebar is used in Blog pages)

  1. Go to Appearance → Widgets
  2. Under the available widgets, click the required widget and select sidebar, then click “Add widget”. You can also drag and drop the widget under the sidebar. Basically this sidebar has widgets that are related to blogs like popular posts, tags, subscribe form, top categories etc.
  3. Enter the required fields.
  4. Click “Save”.

Listing Sidebar (This sidebar is used in Product pages)

  1. Go to Appearance → Widgets
  2. Under the available widgets, click the required widget and select listing sidebar, then click “Add widget”. You can also drag and drop the widget under the listing sidebar. This sidebar mostly contains filter widgets like region filter, activity level filter, tour tag filter etc.
  3. Enter the required fields.
  4. Click “Save”.

Footer (This sidebar is displayed in the footer)

  1. Go to Appearance → Widgets
  2. Under the available widgets, click the required widget and select footer, then click “Add widget”. You can also drag and drop the widget under the footer. This sidebar is used as a footer menu. It mostly contains custom menus and contact information.
  3. Enter the required fields.
  4. Click “Save”.

Colour Customization

It is recommended to change the color schemes through colour customizer. You can manage almost every aspect of theme colors through color palettes here for Neutral, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary color palletes provided here.

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Layout & Designs → Select Colour.
  3. Under Primary Color, chose a color you desire by clicking on "select color". You can enter hex code or select by dragging color palette.
  4. If you like how it looks in preview, click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.
  5. Repeat this process for Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary colors if you need and check the design in preview.

To change colors of Buttons and Site Links etc, please navigate to Appearance → Customize → Buttons and Links and make the desired changes for these specific elements. Similarly, for Navigation, please navigate to Appearance → Customize → Header → Navbar.

For more advanced customization, please copy elements you wish to change from the style.css from root of the theme folder and place it inside your child themes style.css file. And from here you cn customize it as you want. Also, for small css changes, you can use Custom CSS field by going to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS and JS and then placing your code in Custom CSS box.


Body and content (body tag styles)

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Typography → Body and content.
  3. Select the font colour, font size. These styles are applied to the body tag.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Heading Font (main heading styles)

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Typography → Heading Font.
  3. Select the font family.
  4. Enter the font size (without ‘px’ only numbers e.g. 14).
  5. Select the font weight. The font weight changes according to the selected font family.
  6. Select the heading colour.
  7. Check the “Uppercase” if you want the heading to appear in uppercase, else uncheck it to show the heading as you have entered.
  8. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Site link (anchor tag styles)

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Buttons and Links → Site Links.
  3. Set the link colour and link hover colour.
  4. Select the link text decoration. Leave to default if you don’t want any styles.
  5. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.


Round Button

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Buttons → Round Button.
  3. Enter the button text, or leave empty to set default text i.e. Dig More.
  4. Select the background colour and font colour of the button.
  5. Check the button border to have the border button else uncheck it to hide it. If the button border is checked, set the colour or leave to default.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Square Button

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Buttons → Square Button.
  3. Enter the button text, or leave empty to set default text i.e. Explore.
  4. Select the background colour and font colour of the button.
  5. Check the button border to have the border button else uncheck it to hide it. If the button border is checked, set the colour or leave to default.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Sale Badge

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Entrada WooCommerce → Sale Badge.
  3. Change the Sale Badge Image.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.


  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Footer → Footer Social Icons.
  3. Check the "Social Icons Show" to show the icons, uncheck to hide them.
  4. Enter the icon class of the media that you want to display along with its url. If the "Social Icons Show" checkbox is unchecked, no medias are displayed.
  5. Check the "Add More Option" to add more media.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Custom Icon Fonts

You can add custom font icons that you can generate from  https://icomoon.io

If you would like to keep the entrada icons, it is recommended that you import the entrada icon fonts first inside icomoon. You will need to import the wp-content >> themes >> entrada >> fonts >> icomoon >> entrada-icomoon.json file first, and then import your own icons json file. After that, you can select all icons and Click on Generate Font in icomoon app.

Please follow these steps after you have generated your font icons from icomoon.io :

  1. Upload font-icon folder inside child theme folder entrada-child (eg. wp-content/themes/entrada-child/custom-icomoon) where "custom-icomoon" is the folder you downloaded from icomoon and unzipped it, and renamed the folder to custom-icomoon.
  2. Add relative path of font-icon's style.css file via customizer: Appearances -> Customize -> Typography -> Custom Font Icons. This should be like ../entrada-child/custom-icomoon/style.css
  3. Go to admin and then Addons -> Custom Icons and your custom icon classes can be added here. You will find your custom icon classes inside the folder you downloaded from icomoon >> style.css file.

After that you can use these icons in your categories, tags, taxonomies etc. 

If you don't see your icons after this, please ensure that there are no name conflicts with the icons already included with the theme.

Book Now Button

  1. Click Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click WooCommerce → Book Now Button Settings.
  3. Enter the button text. This button appears in the single product page, at the right.
  4. Enter the URL (optional). If this field is empty, the product is either added to cart (for simple product) or shows a list of variations (for variable product) on click of this button.
  5. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Tab Label Settings


When you open any product on Entrada, you can see tab labels below the first fold of the product description page. These tab labels explain the product overview, itinerary details, accommodation, FAQs, Gallery,date and prices.

Add/Change Product details

The tab labels (overview, itinerary, accommodation, FAQs, Gallery, and Addons) of any products can be added from the backend.

Here is how you can make changes on the tab label from the backend:

  1. Click on “Products” from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. This redirects you to a list of products, where you can choose any product and click on “edit”.
  3. Scroll down a little until you see “Product Details” Section.
  4. All the tabs are listed here and you can make changes or add details accordingly.

Note: Empty tab labels will not be displayed in the front end.

Change the date and price displayed

On the product description page, you can also see the date and price for product booking. These can also be changed from the backend itself.

Here is how you can make changes in the date and price displayed on the product page from the backend:

  1. Click on Products from the WordPress Backend and select the product you want to update the price or date for.
  2. Click on “edit,” which appears as you hover over any product.
  3. Scroll down until you reach the “Product Data” section → Choose “variable product”.
  4. After that click on “Variations” → Click “Edit” to edit any variations.
  5. This leads you to a section where you can edit the pricing as well as the starting date and ending date of any product displayed on the front end.
  6. Note: These changes can only be done for the “variable products,” and the date you insert must be a future date.

    Tab Labels like "Overview", "Accommodation" etc. for Tour detail page tabs can be changed by following the steps below:

    1. Click Appearance → Customize.
    2. Click Entrada WooCommerce → Tab Label Settings.
    3. Enter the labels for the different tabs. These tabs appear in the tour detail page.
    4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.



  1. Click Addons → Mailchimp.
  2. Enter the API Key in both API Key fields for widget/sidebar and footer subscription form.
  3. Enter the Group Id in both Group Id fields for widget/sidebar and footer subscription form.
  4. Change the rest of the fields or leave to default.
  5. Click Save Changes.


  1. Click Addons → Facebook.
  2. Enter the Facebook App ID.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Price Range

  1. Click Addons → Price Range.
  2. Enter the title. (Currency sign is not allowed in this field e.g. 101 - 500).
  3. Enter the min price. (Currency sign is not allowed in this field e.g. 101).
  4. Enter the max price. (Currency sign is not allowed in this field e.g. 500).
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for more price range.

Community Poll

  1. Click Addons → Community Polls.
  2. Enter the poll title/question. (E.g. Which is the right shoes for hiking?)
  3. Enter the options with %% after each option without spaces. (E.g. Sandals%%Flipflops%%Hiking Shoes%%Football Shoes)
  4. Click Save.


Visual Composer allows you to add different types of elements. To add such elements you have to switch from regular textarea to Visual Composer Mode by clicking the "Backend Mode".

Row Settings

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Click “Row”. This adds a new row. Always add a row before adding any Visual Composer Shortcodes.

Column Settings

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Click “Row”. This adds a new row.
  3. Hover over the column of the newly added row to see a range of column styles (As shown in the figure). Select any columns according to your requirement.


  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Click the “Revolution Slider 5”.
  3. Select any one of the available sliders. Or, you can create a new slider.
  4. Click “Add Selected Slider”.

Icon Bar

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Iconbar Nav”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the hide/show option. Selecting the hide empty option hides those icons having 0 products assigned to it, while show empty option shows all icons even if no products are assigned to it. Enter the number of icons to show.
  4. Select the link options.
    1. Product Category Page: Links the cateogry to single product category page.
    2. Search Page: Links the category to search page (shows the products which matches the respective category).
    3. Custom Page: Links the category to custom url.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Search Bar

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Search Block”.
  3. Enter the title. Enter the search type options as "label title::search type" e.g. Destination::destination. Enter the button text. Select the number of columns. This selection displays the search options in the selected columns. E.g. 3-column selection means the search options are displayed in 3 options.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Entrada Heading

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Entrada Heading”.
  3. Enter the heading and sub-heading.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Category Gallery

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Category Gallery”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the hide/show option. Selecting the hide empty option hides those icons having 0 products assigned to it, while show empty option shows all icons even if no products are assigned to it. Enter the number of items to show.
  4. Click Save Changes.


  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Blockquote”.
  3. Enter the title and description.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Call to Action (CTA)

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Call to action”.
  3. Enter the title and description.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Popular Tours

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Post Grid”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the data source to product. Select the display style to popular tour. Enter the total item, 6.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Featured Tour

Featured tours are shown as a full width tours on home page. There are two featured tours in home page demo as you can see in screenshot below. To create these tours.

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Post Grid”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the data source to product. Select the display style to featured tour. Enter the total item, 2.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Recent Tour

Tours added at last or recently are always displayed first everywhere throughout the website except in the popular tours block.

Counter Block

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “entrada counter”.
  3. Enter the title, counter data. Select the block type. Each Block Model has different colour. Choose the icon.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Browse by Block

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “link block”.
  3. Enter the text. Select the block display style. Each block display has different background colour. Enter the url.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Guide Section

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Post Grid”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the data source to guide. Select the display style to guide. Enter the total item, 3.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Testimonial Block

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Post Grid”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the data source to testimonial. Select the display style to testimonial. Enter the total item, 3.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Partners Block

  1. Click the "Add Element" button or "+" sign to add a new element.
  2. Under the “Entrada Shortcodes” tabs, click the “Post Grid”.
  3. Enter the title. Select the data source to partner. Select the display style to partner. Enter the total item, 10.
  4. Click Save Changes.



  1. Click product → category.
  2. Enter the category name (Mandatory).
  3. Enter the description.
  4. Enter best season to visit.
  5. Enter popular location.
  6. Enter category heading. This is the page heading.
  7. Enter category sub heading.
  8. Enter the listing title.
  9. Enter the sub listing title.
  10. Enter the page link.
  11. Add the banner image.
  12. Add the map image. This image appears at the side when viewing the category.
  13. Tick the “Iconbar category” to display this category in the icon bar in the home template.
  14. Tick the “Set to display on homepage” to display this category in the homepage.
  15. Tick the “Set featured category” to show filtration by this category option.
  16. Set icon to show an icon.
  17. Add the thumbnail to show a thumbnail
  18. Click “Add New Product Category”.
  19. Click Save Changes.
Note: The added category can be sorted by dragging up and down to required position. To do this, hover the cursor over the category to be sorted, once a movable cursor as shown in figure appears drag the category to the desired place and drop.

Activity level

  1. Click on products → activity level.
  2. Enter the activity level title.
  3. Give the title activity level ranging from 1-8. 1 is the lowest as 8 is the highest. This number is used as a reference to show the activity level switch figure.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Holiday Type

  1. Click on products → Holiday Type.
  2. Enter the holiday type title.
  3. Click Save Changes.


  1. Click on products → Destinations.
  2. Enter the destination title.
  3. If it is a sub destination then select the main destination as its parent. E.g. select the parent as Asia if you are adding Thailand.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Enter best season to visit that destination.
  6. Enter the popular location.
  7. Enter the heading. This is the page heading.
  8. Enter the sub-heading.
  9. Enter the listing title. This title appears above the list of all products of this destination in the destination page.
  10. Enter the listing sub-title.
  11. Enter the link of any related post or leave empty.
  12. Choose the banner image. This image is the top background image.
  13. Choose the map image. This is the side map image.
  14. Choose icon.
  15. Click Save Changes.

Product Views

List/Grid Views

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Product.
  3. Select the view mode:

    1. Grid View: displays the products in grid. There are many variations of grid view like 2 columns, 3 columns and 4 columns, with or without sidebars left/right.
    2. List View: displays the products in a list. There are many variations of list, like with detail, only products or with sidebars left/right.
  4. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

Sort By Products

Products can be sorted by:

  • Alphabet
  • Price
  • Popular
  • Recent

Filter Products

Products can be filtered by:

  • Destination
  • Departure/Returning date
  • Activity
  • Price range
The maximum or minimum price of the product is checked against the price range. If neither of the two falls inside the selected price range, the product is discarded, hence not considered a match.
Products can be filtered by clicking the search icon at the top left side of the site, or in any product display pages. These filters can also be done from the search bar in the header if it is available.

Product Single

  1. Click Products → add product.
  2. Enter the product name.
  3. Enter the product short description. This will be shown on all product listing and on tour detail page. This should be between 150-250 characters.

Under Product Detail Tab:

  1. Click Product Overview. Enter the “Product Overview”, “What’s included in this tour?” and “What’s not included in this tour?” Or leave empty if not needed.
  2. Click Itinerary. Enter Itinerary, i.e. the series of day to day activities, with title and a description of what will be done on that day. Click “Add New” button under the “Action” Tab at the right to add more Itinerary. To remove the itinerary click the “Remove” button under the action tab adjacent to the itinerary to be removed. Click the “Add Images” to add itinerary gallery images (multiple images allowed). The Itinerary Gallery images are displayed beside the daily activities. To remove the itinerary gallery images, hover over the image. Click the cross sign that appears at the top right in the image.
  3. Click on Accommodation. Enter the “title”, “description”, “shared rooms included in the price detail”, and “individual rooms not included in the price detail”. Or leave empty if not needed.
  4. Click FAQs. Click the “Add New” button. Enter the question and answer. Click the “Add New” button to add more questions according to requirement. Clicking the “remove” button at the right, next to question text-field removes the question and its answer.
  5. Click Gallery. Click the “Add post gallery images” to add new photo. Repeat the process to add more images. To remove the photo, hover over any unwanted photo, a “Cross” sign appears at the top right corner in the photo (as shown in the picture); click it to remove the photo from the gallery.
  6. Click Add-ons. Click the “Add New” button. Enter the option level and option price. Click the “Add New” button to add more options according to requirement. Clicking the “remove” button at the right, next to option fields removes the option. These options are extra extensions that are shown in the cart page which can be checked to be included in the tour (Extra price added).

Under Product Data Tab:

  1. Products can be of two types:

    1. Simple Product:
      1. Select simple product in the drop down next to Product Data.
      2. If the product is a virtual product (Virtual products don’t require shipping — an order containing virtual products won’t calculate a shipping cost.) then tick/select/click the virtual option.
      3. Click the General Tab. Enter the SKU (Unique Product ID) if needed else leave empty (it is added automatically). Enter the Regular Price. Enter the Sale Price if needed.

    2. Variable Product (If the product has more than one price setting):
      1. Select variable product in the drop down next to Product Data. .
      2. Click the Attribute Tab. Select “Custom Product Attribute” option in the drop down and click “Add”.
      3. Enter the Name e.g. Packages. Enter the values. Values must be separated by “|” symbol with no spacing in between. Tick both “Visible on the Product Page” and “Used for variations” option.
      4. Click “Save Attributes”.
      5. Click the Variations Tab. Select “Add Variation” and click Go.
      6. Select any options and click on the empty space next to the #no. A table shows up.
      7. If it is a virtual product (Virtual products don’t require shipping — an order containing virtual products won’t calculate a shipping cost.) then tick the virtual option.
      8. Enter the regular price; this is the price excluding flight. Enter the sale price if any. Enter the price including the flight, select confirmed date, returning date and status option according to requirement.
      9. Repeat steps from step:17 to step:20 for all the available variations.
      10. Click “Save Changes”.
  2. Enter the product short description.
  3. Go to the top right of the page.
  4. Choose the Activity Level.
  5. Fill the Product Information:
  6. Sub-title; the group title e.g. Adult Hiking.
  7. Duration; e.g. 12 days
  8. Group Size; select options
  9. Group Capacity; e.g. 20-30
  10. Select the Product Categories. Multiple selections can be done.
  11. Enter the product tags, if more than one tags is needed separate using ‘,’. E.g. trekking,jungle.
  12. Select the Holiday Type. Multiple selections can be done.
  13. Select the Destinations. Multiple selections can be done.
  14. Click “Set the product image”. Select the available images or upload a new one by browsing or dragging and dropping the image in the popup menu. Only one image is allowed. This is the product thumbnail image.
  15. Click “Add the product gallery image”. Select the available images or upload a new one by browsing or dragging and dropping the image in the popup menu. Since this is a gallery multiple images can be selected. If any image needs to be removed, hover over the image. A cross image appears; click it to remove the image from that gallery. This gallery is shown in the detail/single page of the product along with the product image as a slider.
  16. Click publish.

Popular Products

Products are set as popular on the basis of their views. There is a popular tour block in the homepage to show the most popular tours.

Featured Products

  1. Click Products or Products → Products
  2. Click the star at the right end of those products that needs to be set as featured product.
  3. After the page has loaded the star is filled with blue colour as shown. This means the product is a featured product.

Recent Products

Most recent products are always displayed first except in the popular tour blocks, where the most popular tours are displayed first.

Products on Sale

  1. Add the product as explained in Product Single.
  2. While adding the product value, add the sale value to make this product a sale product. The sale product looks different than the regular product in two ways:

    1. The regular price is shown, with a line through it, next to the sale price.
    2. A sale badge is added over the product image. The sale badge can be changed from customizer.
  3. Rest as explained in Product Single.


  1. Click Products → Add Product.
  2. Enter the product name.
  3. Enter the product description. This will be shown on all product listing and on tour detail page. This should be between 150-250 characters.
  4. Under Product Detail Tab:

    1. Select "Shop Item" as Product Type.
  5. Under Product Data Tab:

    1. Enter the regular price.
    2. Enter the sale price if any.
  6. Go to the top right of the page.
  7. Enter the product tags (item tags), if more than one tags are needed separate using ‘,’. E.g. trekking,jungle.
  8. Click “Set the product image”. Select the available images or upload a new one by browsing or dragging and dropping the image in the popup menu. Only one image is allowed. This is the product thumbnail image.
  9. Click “Add the product gallery image”. Select the available images or upload a new one by browsing or dragging and dropping the image in the popup menu. Since this is a gallery multiple images can be selected. If any image needs to be removed, hover over the image. A cross image appears; click it to remove the image from that gallery. This gallery is shown in the detail/single page of the product along with the product image as variations.
  10. Click publish.

Note: The image size must be 524 X 533.


Blog List

  1. Go to Pages → Add new.
  2. Enter the Page Title (e.g. Blogs).
  3. Leave everything as it is. Anything edited here is not displayed in the blog list page.
  4. Under the Page Attributes section, select the template. There are various options as:

    1. Blog (Deafult)
    2. Blog (Full Width)
    3. Blog Sidebar (left)
    4. Blog Sidebar (right)
  5. Click “Publish”.

Blog Single

  1. Go to Posts → Add new.
  2. Enter the Post Title i.e. Blog title.
  3. Enter the content.
  4. You can add any one of the following in the blog:

    1. Image Gallery: Under the Post Gallery Image, below content textarea, add images to make a gallery.
    2. Image: Add the Featured Image, at the bottom left side.
    3. Video: Add the video link under the Featured Video, at the bottom left side.
  5. Click “Publish”.

Blog Sidebar

You can add widgets to the blog sidebar from Appearance → Widgets. This sidebar mostly consist of widgets related to blogs. There are two different types of such widgets:

  1. Entrada Custom:
    1. Entrada Popular Posts
    2. Entrada Post Gallery
    3. Entrada Tag Cloud
    4. Entrada Subscribe Form
    5. Entrada Poll
  2. Wordpress default:
    1. Recent Posts
    2. Recent Comments
    3. Search
    4. Tag Cloud
    5. Archives

These can be set to show/hide in/from the sidebar by adding/removing the widgets under the sidebar. After adding the widget to any of the available sidebars, always enter the title and other required fields and click ‘Save’.

Credit & Sources


All Images used in the theme demo are from either Dollar Photo Club, Pixabay or Shutterstock. Unsplash and Pixabay Images used in this theme are in Public Domain which you can find at the link provided, and available for commercial use. However, Dollar Photo Club and Shutterstock images must be purchased. The links are provided for all image sources below.


  • http://www.videvo.net/video/flying-between-the-clouds/2161

Font and Vector Icons

Note: All icons used in the theme are from the noun project, flag icons and fontawesome. You can legally use any of the icon included with the theme and add your own icons from noun project for free (attribution required in some cases).


Other Resources Used:


Here to Help

We truly believe that every customer who has purchased our item should be 100% satisfied with the item. To that end, we will continually keep updating our items and the Online Documentation. However, there will be times when some changes that you want to make are either not covered in the documentation or is beyond the scope of support. Please feel free to ask, and if the feature is available in the theme, we will guide and help yoou. If its not available in the theme, you can use services like Envato Studio for theme customizations.

Please remember you have purchased a very affordable theme and you have not paid for a full-time web design agency. Occasionally we will help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a lower priority due to their nature. The support only covers answering your queries and helping you understand how theme works as well as fixing any known bugs, it does not cover customization of design or code. If there is something specific you would like to see, you can request for it to be included in our next update and we will always listen to your and do our best to include them.

If you have a question or comment, please click the button below and send a message through our profile, and please remember to include your purchase code while contacting us.

Thank You